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Visitors 1
Created 6-Dec-14
14 photos, 3 videos

Hornbill comes visiting

Hammock time!

Hammock time!



Driving back in the thunderstorm

Day-care impalas move out

Day-care impalas move out

Hippo charge

Monkey mom and baby, near our dining room

Monkey mom and baby, near our dining room

Lounge, Eagle Island

Lounge, Eagle Island

Sandy signs a book for Elayce

Sandy signs a book for Elayce

Our veranda at Eagle Island

Our veranda at Eagle Island

Our first giraffe

Our first giraffe



Lilac-breasted roller

Lilac-breasted roller

Spectacular sunset colors at our first sundowner

Spectacular sunset colors at our first sundowner

Our first welcome design

Our first welcome design

Sunset pulls out all the stops for us

Sunset pulls out all the stops for us

From the macorro

From the macorro